This Can Work
Why This Has a Real Chance of Working
There are nuclear powers and those without. There are countries with great need. The countries with need and those without large militaries have nothing to lose by agreeing to Principle #1 (only the power to invade their neighbors). So, it stands to reason that these countries would formally agree to the Principle in great numbers. We all need help.
When a good part of the world agrees to shun violence, what are the powers to do? The wise few will join the world in rejecting violence and thereby seize the high ground, and future influence. The road less traveled.
The other powers will ponder. Their people may help them decide by letting their peaceful voices be heard. Several of them will join the world. The remainder, those addicted to power and dominance, will try to make it on their own for a time. But the new order has a peacekeeper that is always on guard. So, what good is power if you cannot project it without facing severe retaliation. Have we heard this before?
Once again. STOP
The people of every country want this change. The dissenters will delay and suffer isolation, as some are doing at this writing, but that is not a pleasant path, nor one that is harmonious with the young and the educated and the Sapiens who just wish to live.
Time is on the side of peace. But recall, that is a commodity we may not have, as we do not know exactly at what point the runaway greenhouse effect kicks in. (See Venus- 95% CO2 and 800 degrees F.)
Our only option is to inform and broaden the understanding of our family so the path becomes more clearly defined. Then it will be gladly followed, but will it be too late for future generations? Some of our fathers were members of what is called The Greatest Generation, those that freed the world from tyranny. What will current generations be called if they do not heed repeated warnings?
Science is nothing to be wary of. It is just a bunch of curious folks asking questions. Why is there a shadow? How come water expands when it freezes? It's all about answering questions.
Over the centuries we have found that the way to be sure of an answer is to make sure the same answer always comes up if you ask the same question. Until a proposed answer is repeatedly tested and found to be true, it is not accepted as fact. That s all Science is. There is absolutely nothing threatening about the truth.
Unless, that is, your beliefs and livelihood are discredited by a factual advance. That would be disappointing. But facts being facts, it is certainly best to adapt to the actual reality than to cling to a less well documented belief system.
Curious people have been imprisoned and worse when their search for truth contradicted ancient dogma. Only recently have we given science its due as we have seen the accomplishments of understanding and expertise.
This technological aspect of science has allowed us to stray from a useful path as we became a disposable culture mired in microparticles and microwaves of our own creation.
To disavow science is to stay rooted in the past. That tree of understanding must reach for the light of reality that has been revealed by the curious mind of man. Wise man.
To scoff or resist what is natural fact exposes one to the later realization of foolishness.
We must understand that scientific fact, like gravity, has been repeatedly proven. When the curious mind has a way to answer a natural question, that answer will be the same wherever the same question is posed.
Man grows. And it is now that we must. We must trust in ourselves and in our reality-based science that we have spent many thousands of years developing. We know what needs to be done.
We need to reset our goals and priorities. The cries from throughout the world are heard by all. Now we need leaders that are listening. Congratulations if you already have one. If you don t, then do your best.
[Of course, reality-based science and faith-based spirituality are completely compatible, but that is for another time]
Prejudice and Hatred
"America shall be the place to which the persecuted in other nations shall flee from the tyranny of their oppressors, where they shall find a safe retreat, and shall be cherished by her like children by a tender mother."
The new United States started out with a good idea. But what has caused it to change this much? How did we end up here?
Clearly that welcome has been shared, and then modified throughout the world. Why?
We got scared. We saw folks that didn’t look, or act like us. The natural instinct in any cognitive species is to be wary and have defenses at the ready. Hostility is very likely if either feel threatened by the others presence. We failed to realize the great benefits that are derived from immigrant groups. The reality is that we cannot ALL live in previously well-developed countries. We must remedy the cause of the flight.
Many geneticists believe that modern Indo-European man is descended from a more violent branch of our diaspora called Indo-European man that originated in the Steppes of Asia about 4000 BCE. This hostile group took over a very broad area in response to the drying climate in Saharasia. They rationalized their barbarism by viewing others as inferior. Our ancestors were dominant because they could rationalize their violence with hatred and had the horses and weapons to match. Murder with hatred. Jihad? Holy War? Crusade? Sound familiar?
It has taken us some time to realize the error of their ways.
There is no purpose to hatred and malice. It tears at your heart forever. Relieve yourself of it and realize the calm that can be found by loving your fellow man. The hatred has its source, but its flow is under your control. You can turn off that spigot of hate and at the same time feel the breeze in your heart. The reward is immediate, and you will understand.
It's not your fault that you were born to folks that were wary, or even hated, people that looked different. When homo sapiens are subjugated, their oppressors need to see them as subhuman. That is the only way others of the same species could rationalize their actions. That led to the belief by some that people of each color represent different species altogether.
This is 2020. We are faced with the need to restructure our planet s governance to reflect the doubling of the population since man set foot on the moon, as well as the effects of Covid 19 and the proper demand for justice and equality for all.
That is going to be a big pill to swallow for those that have controlled our destiny for so many decades, nay centuries. You cannot cure emotional illness from the outside. The change needs to come from within. If you harbor fear or anger towards another because of their skin color, look to that feeling. Examine it. Find where it came from. Forgive if needed.
We need to move past that now.
Should a person enter your home and kill you?
Should a country enter your country and kill you?
Honor all borders.
Reject all violence.
There is only one correct path.