Dear Reader,
This is not a polished work, as I am not a professional writer. I wrote this as if speaking to you. Pause often to consider your opinions. If global peace is not your wish, then do not continue. YOU are the problem.
For those that read on, I offer a framework for the future with success of our species as the goal. You will be given a chance to participate.
I assume you wish to consider my background: Eleven years in formal study of life sciences. A lifetime of applying what I’ve learned. Now is the time to let you in on it.

On the Survival of Species
With homage to Charles Darwin and the other curious folks that have broadened our understanding.
By Samuel West
Chapter I: The Nut
For as long as we have been on this planet, about 300,000 yrs., there has been ice at both poles. As you know, that is starting to change. Now, you add the 2020 pandemic with the associated loss of life and profit. I guess the planet has your attention now. It’s time to talk.
Our species finds itself in a very difficult situation. We got a little carried away with our newfound gadgets and forgot to pay attention to the basics. Now, our economies are reeling, and our debt has yet to be understood. When things get this difficult, the best thing to do is to get the whole issue down to the nut. The situation with our species worldwide will be significantly changed in the coming years. There are simply two choices. One is to struggle to rebuild to the status before SARS CoV-2, which would consume years we don’t have and return us to a place most of us didn’t like.
Rather than build back UP, let’s build OUT. Let’s start over. Why not? Come with me now on a thought experiment. They were popular with one of those curious folks.
First, some background: We all have the same mother and father. We have never lived during the warm phase of our planet with metasequoia near the Arctic Circle. The seas may rise several hundred feet as the ice melts. There are almost 7.6 billion of us.
Look toward the horizon at sunset. You can clearly see the thin envelope of life-giving atmosphere. The oxygen that we rely upon comes from plants. It combines with hydrogen to form water. Add the miracle of DNA and there you have it! How we make use of that miraculous gift is the subject at hand. Determining the grantor is for another time. Our species cannot take any of this for granted. Our atmosphere, our oxygen, could disappear. Please study Venus.
So, with that said, let’s get to the solution of our problems.
Congratulations! You have been selected to represent our species, sapiens, in the great readjustment of Earth’s societies of man, brought about by excesses, an RNA virus, and a man named George. This brief opinion survey will chart the course for the future of our species. There is only one correct answer to the questions raised. Any opinions are stated as such. The remainder is fact. THIS IS NOT A DRILL!
Is it our destiny to overpopulate and consume ourselves into extinction, or is it time to find the harmonic place that mutually benefits Sapiens and others of creation, as well as Earth? As long as we are rearranging things after the rude awakening of 2020, we might as well do everything we deem necessary to move forward with rebuilding our countries.
Time to get serious. Acknowledge basic needs. Move ahead with providing our countrymen a share of pride, either in what we have accomplished, or what we are about to accomplish.
It is time for the advanced societies to realize that their own best interests lie in the hands of the developing world.
Climate change is happening. We can do our best to curtail our fossil fuel use, saving that precious commodity for future generations, or we can simply move uphill. A few hundred feet should do. We won’t miss the oil. Clean, safe nuclear power has been developed and is awaiting implementation.
About those basic needs: Are members of our species entitled to some benefits of an advanced society, or are some entitled to nothing and should be left to starve? Where do those with plenty draw the line, and should they? Tough questions. Can we just agree that starvation and dying from preventable disease should not happen in an advanced society?
I thought so.
There’s a couple of basics right off the bat. Let’s do just one more, then you can ponder: All other aspects being equal, should one member of our species use fatal force against another?
Clearly not.
Should a person break into your house and kill you? Should another country break into your country and kill you? Violence at any level has no place in advanced societies.
So, there is the major one. There is the First Principle.
Violence has no place in an advanced society.
See how easy that was? That’s a great start. Ponder that for a while. Talk about it with other Sapiens you know. Adding more basics is easy. Consider water, food, shelter, warmth, health, and hope.
Sounds like a massive undertaking. Of course, we can’t do this all at once. But we need to make a plan and set a date, as did JFK when he pushed America to the moon and when MLK shared his dream.
This is the new plan. New Year's Day 2032 is the new date. All the necessary institutions are in place. They just need to know that, at long last, the rest of the world has caught up with the forward thinkers.
The technology exists. Clean power. Clean water. Sanitation. All we lack is the will. Well, NO LONGER!
Build upon the basic assumptions until we have a new global framework based on peace and real justice for all nations and all people. There is no other way. We do not have the time to change three or four aspects of our societies each century. We have URGENT matters to attend to NOW. So, get over the petty grievances and centuries long prejudices and JUST HUMAN UP!
There is a right answer to every question. Your heart knows what that is.
“You have a limited time to stay on Earth. You must try and use that period for the purpose of transforming your country.”
Rolihlahla (Nelson) Mandela

Chapter II: Implementation
What? You must be kidding. Can we do anything considering our debt and deaths?
YES! We must all just do our best. Homo sapiens is Latin for “wise man” and we have dealt with disease, famine, war, and countless hardships over our millennia and this is no exception. We merely need to agree upon a path forward and be wise at this critical time.
We certainly don’t have the money to spend on arms and hostility. Besides, we opted against further violence with Principle #1 so multiple militaries don’t make sense. We need the savings from our military budgets for survival now. The time for every country to have a military has passed.
So how do we deal with the leaders in the world that might not want to agree to the new Principles? What about the autocrats of our species? Were they always eager to dominate, to cause pain, suffering, and despair? Is this just their genetic expression of a segment of the Homo sapiens gene pool? Are they pre-programmed to become populist nationalists? Scholars that have studied their lives may answer those questions.
For now, the question is this: Does our species have the capacity to change our evil ways and get on with a plan for global mutual benefit? Of course, it does.
Every emotion and behavior is stored in our minds. They were all in the double helix, including that notion of right and wrong. Anyone not convinced needs to realize that it is to their descendants' benefit for the species to flourish. Quick profit now at the expense of a more perilous future is not a path to historic greatness. That honor is reserved for those of our species able to move us all toward a mutually beneficial future.
You see, many despotic leaders have unpleasant retirements and never get to spend the money they’ve stolen from their brothers and sisters. We offer them forgiveness. You may keep $5M. Give the rest back and enjoy your life. “Forgiveness we offer, but the forgiveness you seek comes from within. How it got there is open to discussion. So honestly deal with whatever it is you need forgiveness for and get on with a new way towards survival of our species by nurturing our home and one another. If you have a mental health issue that prevents this, then call your doctor for confidential help.” If they still don’t accept the $5M then the rest of the world’s people insist they keep closed borders, but for necessities, and don’t threaten others. If they transgress, then the one elite global response force will deal with that matter.
What to do with the religious hostilities that have plagued our history? Christians, Jews, and Muslims all worship the same God. That God does not condone killing. Those who interpret their scriptures otherwise are simply incorrect. Sapiens that have chosen a spiritual discipline must search to the kernel of that belief and find peace and contentment, and the will to assist this transformation.
OK, fine. But how do we build OUT when we’re broke? Think of the money in your defense (and offense) budget. You give a small percentage of that to the one global enforcement group and the rest is yours. New recovery money. Now add this to the mix: legalize the manufacture and distribution of all naturally occurring pharmaceuticals currently in the illegal market. Revenues pay for education required prior to distribution and treatment for those not able to function well in their society. This has the benefit of decreasing drug use and taking the profit away from organized crime and diverting that money to improve society. No question. Win-win.
Considering developed countries now: Do you think that an adult working a full week should be able to afford a one-bedroom apartment, food, and public transportation? Yes or no, please. How about heat and medical care when needed? So, you work those in from the start and end up happy later. Basics. This plan rounds out the necessities with the most important one: HOPE.
What do we do with the unemployed? Well, who is going to do all the jobs involved in the new transformation? There will be plenty to go around with the implementation of these changes. It’s a starting point with a defined celebration date: New Year's 2032. But we need to start NOW. First by continuing the pandemic cease fire forever and agreeing to Principle #1. It’s downhill from there!
It is time to apply ourselves to the task at hand: The rapid transformation of our society to a peaceful, nurturing society in harmony with the great gift of Earth. A grateful species, for the rest of history, will revere those who implement a new plan for mankind at this turning point. Each country and all the people will be united with hope for our enlightened future.
“We’re one human race, and that suffices, actually.”
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Director – General of the World Health Organization
Chapter III: Swell the Branches
Thought experiment: remember the curious folks? You are sitting in a desert with nothing around but dirt, sand, snakes, and underground species, at least in the daytime. They can live there. You cannot.
The countries that border lands that are not habitable for part of the year must allow people from those areas to share space and resources. If this is not feasible, then the world must pitch in.
Only 11% of our planet is able to be plowed. It is imperative that these lands be looked upon as our sacred trust worldwide. Every effort must be made to preserve not only arable land, but freshwater and the atmosphere that provides it.
Certainly, you say. But is that automatic? Will rivers always be there? A quick look at our planet and others in our solar system shows that not to be the case.
As previously noted, the institutions are already in place to effect these changes. Those bodies need to swell with expertise and capability in delivering all of mankind’s basic needs. They need to quickly add to their branches the private organizations with existing capabilities.
The expertise and hardware they lack, if any, need to be made up by the private sector without delay. Same applies to each government. Time for the tech world to equip each country and critical institution with the systems and training that are up to the tasks at hand. These systems must be fully open yet secure. “Read Only” will do nicely. The world is running on credit at this point anyway, so let us just upgrade now so we can take care of this and move on.
This is when we start behaving as a unified species, at our hardest time in recent history. Each country has had hardships. Most peoples bear animosity. Some with good reason. But STOP! Now is the time for global unity. Put those old thoughts where they belong.
This can all be done so quickly and easily. But only if we forgive and stop with the distrust.
First, unite in the principle and then move on!
You did it for climate.
Now do it for survival.
Chapter IV: Priorities
Fine. Nice things to write but how do we really accomplish all this?
The primary asset of every country is its people. They come first. As we increase production, each country must decide how to allocate their resources. Those that were supporting our less-developed neighbors need to continue to do so even though faced with dire situations at home. The philanthropists need to ramp up as well. Hope for our future together is what binds us, and our interdependence must be displayed at this most difficult time. The unity shown now will sustain us through the rebuilding. The assets devoted to our people need to support the basics: food, water, shelter, sustainable power, warmth, sanitation, health, societal assistance (educators, 1st responders), economic production, and hope. Childcare and education must be prioritized, for therein lies the future.
As each country continues to build OUT towards a sustainable future, the supply lines to our less fortunate family members will fill and flow with hope. We cannot truly predict our situation over the coming years. But we can fix our priorities NOW with a new and appropriate percentage of our NEW GNP allocated to each of our future priorities.
Every country is facing dire times. We all need a stake in our future together with mutual respect and fairness. There will be significant expense in expanding the branches of the global assistance tree. Also, recall that the commitment to peace requires the retention of one small but capable enforcement arm at the direction of the global decision body.
Time for division has passed. As Tedros said, “We are one human race.” Now, we must act as one.
Chapter V: Change Now
Dealing with a biological reality and a string of tragedies has awoken us to the demands of a new world. What connects us also makes us vulnerable. We are now beginning to speak with one voice. Asking, no expecting, basic and broad changes to the structure and priorities of our societies. This is not a contrary force but a complimentary movement for change in our direction. Survival is a great motivator.
The amazement at our newfound industrial prowess was not accompanied by a sober assessment of the costs. How could it have been? The projection of force outside our own borders seemed the right thing at the time. The move away from science and the rule of law has exposed vulnerabilities once recognized. We see all these things. It’s OK. You all thought you were doing the best things. But now, we see through the glass differently.
We expect more from our leaders: a broad-based approach grounded in fact and truthful assessment. Openness with all, and justice. Not much to expect.
We have a once-in-a-century opportunity to change the course of our species on this planet. There are enough threats to our existence that are beyond our control. We must manage those that are not.
New World Order
Now that most of us feel we cannot trust any government for global management, what are we to do?
One option.
New global government. Not for us, but for all of us. First managed by New Zealand’s governing body which still retains the ability to act when required and the support of its people. Then transfer of authority to a central group of folks selected for their wisdom by the current Nobel Committee that enjoys a long history of awareness.
Of course, each country would keep its current government for internal functions.
With that new structure, we can meet most challenges. After all, sapiens is wise. Now is the time to demonstrate that quality.
Global Agreement
Unity for survival.
Cooperation to achieve our best.
By agreeing to the first principle and assisting our species' future, you have chosen not to allow violence, in which case the tools of violence no longer hold a purpose. The world needs tractors, trucks, communication equipment, all the things your military has. Turn them to good use now and display the trust and forgiveness you displayed when you agreed to help our future.
Violence has no place in an advanced society.
To this end, each country commits to the staged destruction of its weaponry and relinquishes authority to the World Governing Body for any enforcement actions. Trust. It’s in your DNA. You can find it.
This conversion and destruction will be completed by 1-1-2032.
Assets not overtly violent will be converted to civilian uses along with the military contingent that supports those assets. The military is dissolved into the private sector in this way. The wisest of the military leaders will be transferred to the global peacekeeping force, along with the most effective means of persuasion. The rest is gone. Globally. To hold weapons after 2032 is a first infraction, for an individual and for a country. We all live by the same rules. You certainly keep your customs, but these rules supersede prior behaviors. Wise sapiens have chosen to go another direction. Please come along. Being part of the shunned population would be less pleasant.
Likewise, a country with closed borders, but for basics, could get a bit stale.
Who Will Oversee These Changes in My Country?
There are many types of leadership around the planet. It is certainly not the intent to change any government that nurtures its people. Countries that do not have benevolent leaders need to ask that leader to change or take the $5M and go away. Remember forgiveness? Remember closed borders?
Candidates for elections and all current leaders need to plainly state their position on Principle #1. The qualification for office is wisdom. Wise people come from all backgrounds and all education levels. You know them when you meet them. They are kind and wise. Those people among us should be our leaders. They should step up when asked at this time of most need.
Together, the people of your country and your newly committed leadership will take you to higher ground.
We desperately need your immediate assistance. To build OUT during and after the infectious threat and implement these ideas the world needs secure satellite communications. The existing bandwidth can be repurposed to this end. The country leadership needs immediate help setting up these new global systems so we can act as one in real time. The capability exists. Please make this happen ASAP. We will pay you back. Some countries need it immediately to avoid societal disruptions. Once a country agrees to Principle #1, that is a go to start hooking them up. We have no more important global priority.
But What About My Money?
I know. I know. You don’t have to give up all the money you’ve worked so hard for. You get to keep it. We’re talking about a new plan for distribution of our future GNPs. We hope those of you with wealth will continue your good works and that your ranks increase. Your brothers and sisters need you now more than ever. Some of you are already instrumental in having laid the foundation for the needed changes and for that our species is grateful.
Criminal Justice
Pretty soon, you won’t need to break the law to feed yourself. Turn yourself in. Ask for forgiveness. Seriously. Start over. Make amends. Work for someone you’ve hurt. We should give you shelter, the basics, while you rebuild your life. We forgive you. Please move on in a constructive fashion. Being as how you’re getting all this forgiveness; this is a one-time deal. Set a date for those in charge. After that date, violence is over.
If you initiate violence, you go away. No questions. People unable to control their behavior get one chance warning for minor issues. The second infraction leads to mandatory behavioral medical intervention. For a third offense or for hateful acts, you go away. The Reservation. A secured location providing appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic assistance with a goal of returning to a peaceful productive life. Clearly, a work program is an appropriate next step. Pay could be low if the basics were met.
The selection of prosecuting officials is critical. Justice is the priority. Manipulating justice, like violence, has no place in an advanced society.

Give Us Our Money Back
Loose confederations of virtuous rulers often do not last. The Phoenicians and the early dynasties of China could not resist the violence of others.
This speaks to a need for a larger and yes, more powerful, centralized leadership based on wisdom and the common good. The peacekeeping force would be operational but not used. [Sole control is vested in the selected board of wise people, separate from the rest of global leadership and subject only to internal review. They select their own successors.] The threat would be sufficient to keep any bad actors within their borders. Any properly documented projection of violence outside their border would result in the removal of their military. Tragic noncombatant deaths would sober the planet. One time should do it. Sorry.
Peace is the only way.
But a big stick.
It behooves every country to adopt the new way. Peace is cheaper. Keep your money, at least $5M if you stole it. The rest, give back to your people. The money sent from friendly governments and stolen for personal gain must also be given back. Now. We need that money to feed babies. No questions asked.
Each government must set up an anonymous wire transfer number for the return of stolen funds, if they have need of such. (See Tech Plea)
Remember forgiveness?
Prosecuting officials will be informed of the return of funds and cases will be closed.
Enjoy your life.
Thank you from the hungry.
Why Should We Give Up Power?
Why should my government give up power to another entity?
We don’t have several hundred years to figure this out. Our best shot is now. Not after the game of global chess is over. It is never over.
The will to succeed and even to win is strong in those of us here for millennia. The strongest force man possesses is the drive to survive. That force needs to be tapped to release the tremendous energy required to rebuild not only our own country but to help others as well. Its supply is limitless. Look to yourself. These goals are worth the effort, don’t you think? But how do we activate the drive to survive? Really? You are reading this, and you already have.
We give up power because we finally realize that there is greater wisdom to wielding kindness and love. We give up power because our track record with giving great power to a few is not good. We should select very carefully from among us those we entrust with our very survival. Currently, most of us have not actually selected our leaders. This is a chance to see if they speak for us or for a few to retain power.
As more and more nations agree to Principle #1, the spotlight shifts to the power brokers. Can they select the new group?
Stack it with sympathetic ears?
No. Agree. Done deal. Now move on!
Those that do not agree clearly value their power more than their people and border isolation will exact a heavy toll. The rest of us will make it.
We are sapiens.
But still…
What if those with military might don’t agree?
Well, it would only take one of them to join with the rest of the world to gain advantage. That would snowball. It is unanimous. The only proper way out of this mess.
Unity of purpose.
Unity of respect.
Unity of forgiveness.
Unity of hope.
Unity of Love.
See how many you can find in your heart.
The first will do. The others will come.
How do we deal with the starving populations? Before SARS CoV-2, there were 820M hungry people.
The best of the basic needs is HOPE. If the world sees countries agreeing and pledging a larger part of their output to the developing world, together with the great contributions from the wealthy of us, the aid may sustain millions and the HOPE will sustain more. For the remainder, unfortunately, the price of overpopulation, pandemic, political upheaval, and climate change is steep.
We are at but a point on a continuum from the farmer serf to EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW.
Hundreds of years, nay thousands have passed with subjugation, abuse, and neglect of the common man by the monied elite. That may have been acceptable when only a few were educated, and it was they who charted the course of humanity.
Now, we come to a time when the attainable dream of equal justice is within sight. We must all look to our hearts and realize that now is the time for us as individuals to truly accept and deeply commit to that obvious truth. That we are all created equal. Look into the eyes of a child.

The word needs to get out. To all of us. Nations and peoples must agree to the first Principle immediately and not strive to improve their situations at the expense of others. To do so will severely affect that nation’s ranking, as determined by the Nobel group, which will have resonance throughout history.
Referendums will be held without delay. See Tech Plea above. That leaves one decade to diligently move toward a peaceful sustainable future. As 2032 starts, we will look back at the miraculous changes none of us thought possible at the outset. But we are Sapiens. We are wise. We do have the ability to see our situation, to assess the variables and move forward decisively. That is how we got here.
That is how we will get there.
This offering is based on a 1-to-1 discussion. A one-person decision. If each sapiens decides that the new path should, or must, be close to this one, then each one of us must agree to and adhere to the new way. Some of us can move our governments in the proper direction to adopt these ideas. This is your time.
By its very nature, the decision to move forward with peace and unity extends down to every individual’s unique actions. When most individuals and nearly all countries agree to this path forward and understand that the solutions apply directly to them, and emanate specifically from them, then the solutions are at hand.

Dear Reader,
Thank you for reading On the Survival of Species. I hope you found it thought-provoking.
Welcome to this mental gathering space. Do you recall that you are the Sapiens representative? I only need to convince YOU that this is a wise plan.
How do you vote?
If you do not agree, move uphill.
If you do agree, then tell two people about this and have them do the same. Someone in every country needs to take up this message on social media. Helping your country agree to Principle #1 is the goal.
This belief is represented by a blue 8. As you can see above, it is our Earth from both sides as well as the atomic number of oxygen, our necessary gift from plants. Simply by displaying a blue 8, or any 8, in any way you choose, from a postscript on your emails to a shirt, ballcap, or a flag on your truck, you show others what you stand for as an individual member of our species. Try to influence your leaders to draft and ratify this agreement. Feel free to manufacture and distribute items to promote these thoughts. Hold true to the spirit. If you make a lot of money, send me some so I can continue this effort.
The Earth and your billions of relatives will thank you.
Yours with sincere urgency,
Samuel West
[email protected]
On the Survival of Species by Samuel West is licensed under CC BY 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit You may use this for spreading the word and for commercial purposes giving credit to the original author and website.
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